Hello & Project

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Hello & Project

Post by Arlac »

Well hello everyone,
Im new and first of all I wish you all happy holidays! Of course I am a die hard seiken fan from the middle of europe. I dont own all of the games (just Final Fantasy Adventure, Secret of Mana and Legend of Mana) the others are played using emulators - wich is evil i know :-) My favorite games are Seiken Densetsu 3 (for me the true representation of the series, despite its flaws) as well as Legend of Mana (the crafting system is so good/complex).

Soo, i have been working on a SEIKEN DENSETSU Pen&Paper RPG and I have seen at least five other people on this board who are also interested in a project like this. I tought it would be a good idea to register and tell you a bit about the project, because im looking for feedback and people to exchange ideas.

Im still in the process of writing and editing everything - so i cannot release my project to the public (yet). But, at the end of this post you find a link to my blog where i put a few sample pages already (fully layouted). Okay here are a few facts:

1. Pen&Paper RPG system uses only d20 - but it is NOT the d20 system
2. easy to learn and quick to play, the game is rules-light and focusses on the world and providing background material
3. several really innovative (at least i think so) mechanics have been introduced - like:
* optional use of playing cards to represent characters and monsters during battle gives the game a CCG like flair
* simple numbers allow the use of glass beads to represent hitpoints instead of complex booking-keeping
* an alternate games-master system allows players to switch between the role of a player or gamesmaster. players are encouraged to be the games master every now and then. while games-mastering, their player-character stays "at home" and can learn and craft new items (im relly proud on this one!)
* beautifully layouted rulebook

especially regarding the last point, come and see the entry about the game on my blog. scroll to the lower part and enlarge the pictures by clicking:

http://zockergilde.net/uncategorized/sa ... d-of-mana/

Thank you guys for letting me be part of this board and i hope to get some creative feedback. I can really need help every now and then (especially re-creating the background story and joining all maps and places found in the seiken series).

PHEW - long first post, thanks for reading!

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Re: Hello & Project

Post by Khyron »

Welcome aboard, Arlac. Don't feel bad about not owning all of the Seiken/Mana games, I've yet to play FF Adventure or SD3; The former because I didn't snatch up a copy while I had the chance and the later because Square-Enix hates us Americans.

This is by far the nicest message board community on the internet. Many of the members are incredibly knowledgeable about this series and are always ready to talk/answer questions. Given the lack of new Mana content coming our way you'll find that many of the posts here have nothing to do with the series (though I'm sure the admins will want you to post new threads in the proper location).

Good luck with your Seiken pen & paper RPG. I'll check out the link when I'm done here and I hope you keep us updated on your progress. :)
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Re: Hello & Project

Post by Arlac »

Thanks Khyron for the hearty welcome!

And excuse that my registration already attracted a bunch of new spam-bots (wich seem to be deleted by the admins already).

I put up a little subdomain for my WORLD OF MANA Pen & Paper RPG project. Anyone who wants to read a bit of my vision of the mana world should check it out here:


Please note that the background story is not final in any way (i could need help on that one) and that english is not my mother language! furthermore, if you are only interested in the rules you should check out the last chapter.

PS: There is not much only since i started the page just today - after work.
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Re: Hello & Project

Post by Kimiko »

Hiya Arlac! Welcome to Seikens :)

Don't worry about the spambots. We get lots of them here. Maybe a captcha can be added to the registration?
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Re: Hello & Project

Post by Dr. Sheexy »

Hey, Arlac,

The member Duran on these forums was working on a d20 system Mana game for a while if I remember correctly. You might PM him to see what he ended up with or what he thinks about some of this stuff.
Kimiko wrote:Maybe a captcha can be added to the registration?
Unfortunately they're busting through everything we throw at them. T_T
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Re: Hello & Project

Post by Duran »

Sheexy wrote:Hey, Arlac,

The member Duran on these forums was working on a d20 system Mana game for a while if I remember correctly. You might PM him to see what he ended up with or what he thinks about some of this stuff.
Kimiko wrote:Maybe a captcha can be added to the registration?
Unfortunately they're busting through everything we throw at them. T_T
I got the gist of it done, I just need to tweak it a bit, but I need some guinea pigs...erm..."volunteers" to help me test the system. Aside from that, world creation is pretty open
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