Mana Music Monday - The Curse

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Dr. Sheexy
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Post by Dr. Sheexy »

Alright, so here is today's track fresh off my Secret of Mana soundtrack.

The Oracle / The Curse

This track is sometimes called "The Oracle" but today we are using its other title, "The Curse" because a curse seems to have descended upon the computers of Deques, Kassidy and I. We are currently fighting the Dark Liches that keep popping up around us.

Ah, the Secret of Mana soundtrack. I remember when I first got it all those years back. I was like nine or something. My mom brought me the package the CD was in and I opened it up and threw it into the stereo in the living room.

I would then force my family to sit through the entire CD.
It was an amazing time.
I had fun anyways.

So yeah, enjoy "The Curse" while we try to fight off ours.
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Post by Kassidy »

Highly appropriate, nice choice. Hooraaaaaaaaaaaaaay curse!
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Post by Deques »

Very good choice for this week's music. too bad Dark Lich already has defeated me :(
I have to restart from the beginning, starting with pulling the sword out of the rock near the waterfall
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Post by Marini »

I haven't played SoM in such a long time I didn't recognize either title. But the second I herd the first five seconds I was in a time warp -- I was literally back in the room where I used to play SoM and I remembered the first time I battled the old wizard. :-D Good times, good times.

Post by Danny »

My computer is also in for repairs, but I should get it back fixed in a few days and I hope that you guys do too. What is it with broken computers and members going to Japan? What a strange thread this is. Great music though and the title really matches nicely too!^_^
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